Porky Pig and Daffy Duck are Earth’s only hope as they face the threat of an alien invasion. The first Looney Tunes film to be released in theaters, Warner Bros. Pictures does not share. The film was originally scheduled to be a streaming service on the Max streaming service. After the company released it, the film was sent to another distributor, and GFM Animation eventually acquired the worldwide distribution rights and moved the film to theaters. Inside the Meteor, Daffy shows off his talent for levers. He pulls a lever to lower the machine and pushes it back up. Porky does the same later in the scene. But when Porky and Petunia are caught, Daffy pushes the lever forward and the machine lowers them further. At the end of the credits, Porky Pig makes the classic statement, “That’s it, everyone!” only to be interrupted by Daffy Duck, who tells him that this is not the end of the film and that they need a sequel. He appears in AniMat’s Crazy Cartoon Cast: Crazy Comic Con Coverages (2022). Mr. Bass Man by Johnny CymbalDigitrax Entertainment under arrangement with Covered Records, Inc. Full Title: An Honest Review of The Day the Earth Exploded: The Looney Tunes Movie, Warner Bros. The first 2D animated theatrical Looney Tunes movie by a non-Looney Tunes fan. Well…Warner Bros decided not to make the stupid decision of either permanently delaying their first animated movie, Looney Tunes, or canceling the big screen release of an animated movie…surprising, to be completely honest. Okay, I watched that movie yesterday along with Joker 2 Folie a Deux (which I discuss in a separate post) and I have some thoughts on it. Before I start my review, a few things first: For those who don’t know, I am not a Looney Tunes fan, never have been and never will be. I have never been a Looney Tunes fan my whole life because most of the characters are annoying and unfunny (especially the popular ones) and their humor is often lazy, uncreative, repetitive and downright annoying, I have very rarely found a short in the Looney Tunes library that I really like and made me laugh. I consider the Looney Tunes cartoons to be the most overrated cartoons of all time, undeserving of their popularity and I hate the stupid songs and comic communities/fans who praise these cartoons when there are shades of other cartoons that deserve it and get outraged when someone hates and criticizes stupid songs for legitimate reasons, which leads to them being very biased and having double standards. So yeah, don’t be surprised if I turn on you if you call me stupid and tell me I don’t have a childhood and/or a good sense of humor just because I don’t dare to watch a popular cartoon that I thought was wildly overrated and not funny. However, considering this is the first Looney Tunes animated film from Warner Bros. to hit the screen (very depressing and confusing that the Looney Tunes haven’t had an animated movie in over a century, as Warner Bros. has been doing for a while now?) I’m willing to give it a shot. I’ll talk about the pros and cons of this movie. This is also a non-spoiler review, so I won’t spoil any major events from this movie. So…what do I think of this movie?…it’s great…definitely not the best of the Looney Tunes, but definitely not the absolute worst I’ve seen. Let’s start with the positives, Pros.Voice Acting: The thing where Looney Tunes is mostly consistent is the voice acting, all the voice actors/actresses were on point & matches the tone of the characters emotions, for example Eric Bauza is perfect as Daffy and matches the tone of how crazy this character is.